DSC_0978Every year, just before I put new calendar sheets into my Filofax, I flip through the calendar sheets that have been filled with dates, notes and memories and enjoy looking back how the year has been and remembering what I experienced. I love to be reminded of a quick coffee date with close friends in a new café, movies we’ve seen, places we’ve visited, and to discover little notes I attached to the calendar sheets months ago, written by myself or by my boyfriend. My calendar is more like a diary and re-reading it makes me feel happy and thankful for what a great year I had!


Besides many little moments I enjoyed, 2012 has also been a year with some big changes for me. In January, I stopped studying medicine which was one of the hardest decision I made yet. But now, as I am looking back I am still happy with it. In March, I found out that I was pregnant – one of the best days of my life! And, of course, the biggest change was my daughter’s birth just six weeks ago in November. She is amazing and my boyfriend and me are so in love with her! It is a fantastic feeling to be a mother, to care for this little baby girl and to see how her personality grows more and more every day. I can’t imagine a life without her anymore! Also, the birth of our child makes my boyfriend and me love each other even more – and it is great to see that we work great as a team in happy as well as in difficult situations (thanks for being a fantastic boyfriend for me and a fantastic father for Lotta, André! I love you!).

So after looking at 2012 in review I can say that I am truly happy right now and I am looking forward to 2013, full of hope and confidence that it will become a great year for me – and hopefully for everyone else as well!Filofax Kalender

Have a very Happy New Year, everybody!


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